The Forgotten Scrolls. Found Again. Monstrous classes, diseases, tables for birth and death, and new monsters for Mörk Borg.
Apocrypha is a Mörk Bork supplement by Christian Eichhorn (; @squirrelgolem), with editing by John Parker.
This is what you'll find in this supplement:
Monstrous Classes. Play as a disgusting warpig, wickhead zündler, half-troll, or goblin wildmage. It is known that monsters are inherently 71% better than humans. Time to let loose and have fun.
Monsters. A bunch of new monsters to kill characters with. Semyaza the Bone-Crafter, a simple rock wolf, virspiders, the mighty quadracoon, are just a few examples.
More fun with creating, killing, and reviving characters. When a character dies, you can roll on the Apocrypha to change the surviving characters (or NPCs). When a character dies and comes back from the dead, you can roll on a table that (heavily) punishes them for the audacity. And finally, when you create a new character, you can roll a star sign for a few life-altering (or life-threatening) traits.
Odds & Ends. You'll also find a table with Omen side-effects, new Powers (Incantations), diseases, a few dungeons, and establishments (a pet shop, a hunters' guild, the Forbidden Vaults, and the body shop)!
Apocrypha is an independent production by Christian Eichhorn and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.