During the great apocalypse, humanity fled to the depths of the underground enclaves. In genetic laboratories, researchers tried to breed a new being, splicing human and animal DNA, creating a beast intelligent yet strong enough to survive in the devastated world. The enclaves have fallen - but the animals’ fight for freedom has only just begun.
Mutant: Genlab Alpha is a complete stand-alone expansion to the award-winning Mutant: Year Zero roleplaying game.
Get ready for a furry mutant (r)evolution!
In this 240 page full colour hard back you'll discover:
- New rules, PC roles, skills and powers for mutant animals. The expansion includes all the rules you need to play!
A detailed description of Paradise Valley, the mountain valley where the animals are being held captive.
- A description of the mysterious underground facility called the Labyrinth, where the Watchers dwell.
The complete campaign Escape from Paradise, letting the players lead the animals’ fight for freedom.
- Unique strategic game mechanics for putting the players truly in charge of the Resistance, planning its operations.
- An overview of how the mutant animals can travel to the Zone if they escape, and join the human mutants of Mutant: Year Zero.
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
39 Harwood Road
London SW6 4QP, Vereinigtes Königreich,
verantwortliche Person:
Sphärenmeisters Spiele – Inhaber Roland Bahr
Wilsberger Str. 31
Herzogenrath, Deutschland, 52134