Feel the blood spray and bones crunch as the bestial children of the
Darklands come roaring across the landscape, leaving only carnage and
lamentation in their wake! Orcs are some of the oldest enemies of
civilization, their howling hordes beaten back time and again by the
forces of light. Yet in addition to being depraved raiders, orcs are
also a civilization unto themselves, with a war-torn history stretching
back before the Age of Darkness. In Orcs of Golarion, learn everything
you need to know about playing (or vanquishing) one of these savage
warriors, as well as the outcast half-orc spawn who straddle the line
between the worlds of order and chaos.
This Pathfinder Player Companion includes:
- Details on the orcs of Golarion—their brutish lifestyles, physical
qualities, cultural norms and gender roles, governance of warbands,
relationship with slavery, and more.
- A history of the orc race, from their desperate flight during the
dwarves’ legendary Quest for Sky to their dominance during the Age of
Darkness and subsequent fall from power.
- An overview of major orc tribes and settlements, such as the Empty
Hand tribe in the fallen dwarven stronghold of Urgir and the maddened
oracles of the Brimstone Haruspex.
- Orc tribal magic, including the shamanistic worship of the
mysterious Blood God and the arcane witch doctors who rule through fear
and firepower.
- Information on half-orcs and their unique roles in human and orc society.
- New traits to customize orc and half-orc characters.
- Orc warbeasts, banners and symbols, ritual scarring and tattoos, and more!
This player-friendly Pathfinder Player Companion works best with the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the 3.5 version of the world’s oldest
fantasy roleplaying game. Although easily incorporated into any fantasy
world, it is optimized for the Pathfinder campaign setting.
Each bimonthly 32-page Pathfinder Player Companion contains several
player-focused articles exploring the volume’s theme as well as short
articles with innovative new rules for social, magic, religious, and
combat-focused characters, as well as a persona section detailing
helpful NPCs and traits to better anchor the player to the campaign.
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Paizo Inc.
7121 185th Ave NE Ste 120
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verantwortliche Person:
burst Spiele GmbH
Maybachstraße 5
Holzgerlingen, Deutschland, 71088