The Elephant & Macaw Banner is an award-winning fiction series that tells the adventures of the Dutchman Gerard van Oost and the Yoruba Oludara during their travels through a fantastic version of sixteenth-century Brazil. These stories, based on Brazilian history and folklore, have been enjoyed by readers around the world.
Now it’s time to immerse yourself in this world of Brazilian fantasy, a setting full of adventure, magic and monsters, in which you will find endless opportunity to invent new stories. Create your own heroes and have your own adventures in this magical world!
224 page color softcover book
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit
Sphärenmeisters Spiele – Inhaber Roland Bahr
Wilsberger Str. 31
Herzogenrath, Deutschland, 52134
verantwortliche Person:
Sphärenmeisters Spiele – Inhaber Roland Bahr
Wilsberger Str. 31
Herzogenrath, Deutschland, 52134